Letter E to H

Discover Welsh girls’ names starting with the letters E to H.

In this list, you’ll discover beautiful girls’ names including Eira, Elan, Fflur, Ffion, and Gwen.

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EbrillThe Welsh word for April*
EfaWelsh spelling of the name Eva**
EiddwenAfter a lake in West Wales*
EilianThe name of a Welsh saint*
EilunedVariant on Eilun*
EilwenFrom ail (like) and wen (fair/beauty)**
EiraFrom the Welsh word eira for snow**
EirianThis means splendid in Welsh*
EirianaFrom the name Eirian*
EirianeddVariation of the name Eirian*
EirianwenDerived from the words Eirian, and Gwen*
EiriolThis means snowy in Welsh*

EirlysMeans snowdrop*
EirwenThis name means white snow*
ElanDaughter of Celtic goddess Do^n**
ElainThe Welsh word for ‘a fawn’**
ElenThe Welsh form of Helen**
ElenaThe Welsh form of Helen*
ElenyddWelsh form of Lynette*
EleriDaughter of Brychan 5th century king****
ElinWelsh form of Helen or Elen***
ElinorWelsh spelling of Eleanor**
ElliwFrom the stories of King Arthur*
EnidFrom the old Welsh word ‘eneit’, meaning “purity”*
ElunedWelsh form of Lynette**
EnfysThe Welsh word enfus means rainbow*
ErinThis Welsh name has Irish links****
ErynVariation of the name Erin*
EsylltVariation of the name Iseult*
EurwenFrom the words for Gold and White*
FanwPet form of the name Myfanwy**
FfionWelsh name foxglove*****
FflurFound in the place name Ystrad Fflur***
FfraidFrom the Saint Ffraid*
FioledMean violet in Welsh*
GaenorWelsh form of Gaynor**
GarwenA mistress of King Arthur**
GaynorVariation of Gaenor**
GlainThis means jewel in Welsh*
GladysMeans ‘bears the meaning of royalty’*
GlendaThe Welsh words for ‘pure good’***
GlenysWelsh word Gl^an means pure***
GlesniFrom Welsh word glas meaning blue***
GlynisVariant of Glenys**
GoewynFrom the Mabinogion*
GrugThis means heather in Welsh*
GwawrThe Welsh word for ‘dawn’*
GwenThis means fair in Welsh***
GwenantMeans fair stream*
GwendaThis means fair (or white) and good*
GwendolenKing Arthur’s wife – Welsh for white ring**
GwendolineVariant of Gwendolen*
GwenddyddA magical name with associations with Merlin.*
GwendolynVariant of Gwendolen*
GwenethVariant of Gwyneth*
GwynethA variant of the name Gwynedd**
GwenfrewyA Welsh saint associated with Holywell*
GwenhwyfarThe Welsh version of the name Guinevere*
GwenithFrom gwenith the Welsh word for ‘wheat’*
GwenllianDerived from Gwen (white, holy) and Lliant (flood, flow)***
GwennanDaughter of Brychan*
GwennoAn alternative form of the name Gwen*
GwenythDifferent spelling of the girl’s name Gwenith*
GwlithenMeans dewdrop*
GwylanMeans seagull*
GwynThe Welsh word Gwyn means (white, pure, or fair).****
GwyneddAfter the county in North Wales**
GwynnVariant of Gwyn*
HafThe Welsh word for summer**
HafrenThe Welsh name for the Severn*
HeleddAfter a Welsh princess*
HeulwenMeans “sunshine” or “sun-blessed”**

Names A-D, I-Y

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