Baby names come in and out of fashion, Welsh baby names are no different. Below you can find the list of the 10 most popular Welsh Girls’ Names.
Our latest article on the most popular names in 2021 can be found here.
The following list comprises the most popular Welsh girls’ names around in Wales at the moment (data taken from the latest figures released by the Office of National Statistics in 2017/2018)
See a list of the most popular baby girls’ names in Wales in 2018 this list includes non-Welsh originating names.
Popular Names from 2012
Popular Names from 2011
Note: If you want to find out the name’s meaning and much more click on the name’s hyperlink.
Popular Welsh Girls Names that did Not make the List
Here are some other popular names that did not make the top 10 however we thought you might also be interested in these names:
If you are looking for ideas for a baby’s name see our Welsh names for girls name selector. This interactive tool allows you to try different combinations of names to see which combinations work the best with your surname. A full list of all Welsh Girls Names can be found on our home page.
Looking for the most popular Welsh boys names they can be found on our partner site www.welshboysnames.co.uk.
Let us know what are the most popular Welsh girls names in your area; what’s names are hot at the moment post them below:
how did seren get to the top of the list?