
Meaning and Origin of the Name Brangwen

The meaning of Brangwen is “fair raven.”

There are several easy nicknames for the name, including Gwen and Bran.

How to pronounce the name Brangwen?

The pronunciation of Brangwen is simple, as the name has only two syllables and is pronounced Bran-gwen.


Brangwen is not a common name, and the popularity of Brangwen was low enough that it wasn’t considered one of the most popular names in Wales in 2017 (not making the top 100 girls names). The name Brangwen is a most commonly used as a girls name.

Famous People with the Name Brangwen

One of the ways that people will recognise the name Brangwen is through the book, “Women in Love.” Two of the main characters in the book are sisters Gudrun Brangwen and Ursula Brangwen.

Branwen is a popular character who is married to the king of Ireland. The name is unique and has a fun sound to it. It is a special girls name that not everyone may have heard of before but that is simple to spell and speak.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls’ names.