Origin of the Name Cari
The name Cari is Welsh. Cari has been a rare name since 1996. Cari was originally a nickname for Caroline, as well as the diminutive form of Ceridwen. Cari can also be used as a last name.
The Meaning of Cari
The meaning of Cari is beloved in the Welsh part of the United Kingdom. The meaning of the name Cari differs with the different counties.
The Popularity of Cari
The popularity of Cari peaked in 1976. Cari is more common for a boy than a girl. In 1997, Cari reached 1126th popularity and then dipped a little in 2000. In 2002, Cari tied with 2000 at 1066th place. The highest rating Cari would receive in the 21st century so far was 919th place in 2007. Cari has been holding steady at 1711th place since 2015.
In 2017, Cari didn’t register in the top 100 baby girls’ names in Wales.
Famous People Named Cari

There are not too many famous people with the name Cari here a selected few:
- American Journalist Cari Champion was born in Pasadena, Calif, on June 1, 1978.
- Cari Read won gold medals in synchronized women’s 1990s Olympic swimming.
- The rock band Cari Cari from Australia.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of Welsh girls’ names.