Meaning and Origin of the Name Tanwen
Tanwen is a girl’s name that is a of uniquely Welsh origin.
The meaning of Tanwen translates into its language as “white fire.” Interestingly, the name Tanwen is basically a compound word built from the Welsh words for “fire” (tan) and gwen, a word that can mean “white,” “fair” or “blessed.”

After checking in on the latest census data regarding girls named Tanwen and finding the name nowhere among the top hundred names in Wales, acting against this lacking popularity of Tanwen as a girl’s name makes it quite a rare and notable first name.
Notable People or Things with the Name “Tanwen”
- Tanwen Hughes works in television. She has worked as crew on “See No Evil” and “Mock the Week” and produced “Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds.”
- Tanwen Railway Station is a Taiwanese rail station.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls’ names.