Cerys is a Welsh girl’s name. It can also be spelled as Ceris. The name Cerys dates back to old Welsh documentation. Pwll Ceris is the name of a pool of water in the Menai Straits in north Wales.
Meaning of the Name Cerys
What does the name Cerys mean? The name is thought to originate from the Welsh word caru which means love. Cerys embodies the essence of affection and endearment
Popularity of the Name
According to the Office of National Statistics, Cerys was the 12th most popular Welsh baby name in Wales, placing it in 81st position overall (in 2013). However, in 2022, this name was not in the top 100 names. Carys is slightly more popular than a similar-sounding name, Cerys.
Cerys Pronunciation
So how do you pronounce Cerys? In English, it would be pronounced as ‘CARE – IS’
Famous people with the name Cerys
Cerys Matthews – is a singer and songwriter from Wales who became famous with the singles “Mulder and Scully” and “Road Rage” with the band Catatonia.
Cerys is more than just a name; it is a testament to the enduring power of love and Welsh heritage. The name’s melodic sound and beautiful meaning make it an attractive choice for parents looking for a unique and meaningful name for their daughters.
By choosing the name Cerys, parents honor the traditions and values passed down through generations. The name evokes sentiments of warmth, compassion, and tenderness, making it an ideal choice for those wishing to express their profound love for their child.
Additional Resources
Looking for additional Welsh Girls names see our comprehensive list.
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