Meaning of the Name Sioned
The name Sioned in English translates to Janet. The meaning of Sioned is ‘Gracious Gift of God’.
The name Sioned is also the name of a character in Welsh mythology, a goddess of a lake in West Wales.
Popularity of Sioned
Sioned is a Welsh name for a girl. This name didn’t make the top 100 baby girl’s in popularity (in Wales in 2017).
Famous People Called with the Name
There are a few famous people bare the name such as Sioned Jones.
- Sioned Jones is an actress, director and writer who was born in 1980.
- Sioned Harries, a rugby player born in 1989
- Sioned William, a Welsh-born British producer born in 1962 and worked for ITV before moving on to BBC Radio 4.
- Sioned Williams, a Welsh harpist from Flintshire
- Sioned Davies – was a lecture and the Head of the School of Welsh at Cardiff University
How to Pronounce Sioned
It is pronounced SHON-ed, but some may pronounce it as Sha-ned or Shi-nade. While the wrong pronunciation may be a bit tiresome it can serve as a way to share the meaning if this strong, beautiful Welsh name.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning, origin and popularity of other Welsh girls‘ names