The top ten most popular Welsh girls names in 2019 have similar trends to 2018 with a few key differences.
Olivia is once again the top pick for Welsh girls, as it has been for the past few years. Amelia also continues its ascent, up from third place in 2018 to just below Olivia.
Isla and Ava have swapped spots, with Isla jumping up to third and Ava settling at fourth.
Freya and Willow are both new additions to the top ten, tying for fifth most popular with 134 instances each.
Mia and Ella both dropped slightly in popularity, coming in seventh and eighth, respectively. By contrast, Rosie moved up three places to come in ninth, and Elsie rounds out the list at tenth.
While these are the most popular Welsh girls names in 2019 overall, there are slight fluctuations depending on the age of the mother. For instance, Amelia is more popular than Olivia for mothers under 25, while Mia is third most popular for mothers 35 and older.
Useful Resources
Unfortunately, none of the top names in Wales contained a traditional Welsh girl’s name. Discover the meaning and popularity of some Welsh girls’ names.