Meaning Of Mono or Mona
If you are looking for a unique and interesting girls name, then the name Mono or Mona will be a great decision for your baby girl. The name Mona or Mono was not the most famous name in 2017, however, because of that reason, will only make your baby girl more special. Mona is a special place in Anglesey and is also of a Celtic and Hawaiian nature. Having the name Mono of a girl will only mean she will have an infectious personality as well as one to be remembered.
Popularity Of Mono or Mona
Mono is not the most well-known name, in fact, it was not even on the 100 most popular baby girls name list in Wales in 2017, however, that only means that your baby girl will, in fact, be special and genuine.
Famous People and Places With The Name Mono or Mona

A few famous people or places with the Mono or Mona as their name are the following:
• Mona Bruce: Who was a famous actor and writer from England
• Mona, Anglesey: A special place in northwest Wales famous for its RAF base.
• Mona Eltahawy: a Famous freelance writer who was also Egyptian known for her writings all over the world
• Mona Lisa: High end, well known and desired after painting that the world has not forgotten and is implanted in many history books.
Final Thoughts
While there are many names to choose from, choosing Mono or Mona will only determine that your baby girls are bound to be as precious as her history. The meaning of Mono or Mona is impervious to history and will never waver. She not only will have famous people and places behind her, but her name will in fact always be one that is remembered.
Final Thoughts
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls’ names.