Meaning and Origin of the Girl’s Name Margiad
Margiad is the North Wales varient of the name Marged. Marged has the same roots as the name Margaret. Margarita is the original Greek name that means Pearl. So hence, Mariad means Pearl.

How to Prounce Margiad?
The name Margiad ican be difficult to pronounce especially if you are not use to speaking Welsh. Margiad is pronounced MAA-RJHiy-aeD
The popularity of Margiad is no longer on the list of 100 popular Welsh girl’s names and it doesn’t look like it was popular of the centures based on the small number of famous people with the name.
Famous People with the Name Margiad
Margiad Evans was a Welsh novelist. Born in 1930 she was raised in Wales. When she left Wales with her husband later she was terribly homesick for the marshes of Wales and returned. She wrote 8 novels, a book of short stories and a book of poems. She found out she suffered from epilepsy and wrote a book about the experience.
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