Meaning and Origin of the Name Llian
The name Llian comes from the lovely name Gwenllian. These names are from Wales.
Gwen in Welsh means fair, and the meaning of Llian means flaxen. Flax is a fiber source for making linen.

How to Pronounce Llian?
Pronunciation of Llian in English would sound like ‘key ann’. Lli in Welsh sounds like the word key in English.
The popularity of Llian and Gwenllian can be considered trendy in Wales today.
The name was not on the list of the 100 most popular baby names recently (2020), but it is not at all unusual to name a proud parent’s baby girl Llian or Gwenllian. In addition to being a fiber source for linen, flaxen can also mean a pale soft colour. So the name Llian lives on today in Wales.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls’ names.