Girl’s Name Glenys
Glenys is a gorgeous female name that originates from Wales. It is a short name that is composed of 2 syllables ‘Glen-ys’. On this page you’ll read about the meaning of the name, it popularity and famous people called Glenys.
Meaning of Glenys
Glenys is derived from the Welsh word glân which means holy, pure or fair.
Glenys’ Popularity
Glenys was not in the top 100 baby girls’ names in Wales in 2012. However you’ll still find someone with the name in most Welsh towns and villages.
Famous People
Here is a brief list of people with the 1st name Glenys:
- Glenys Kinnock – is was a Labour politician who is married to the ex-Labour leader Neil Kinnock.
- Glwnys Thornton – is Labour politician and member of the house of Lords.
Useful Resources
- Check out our long and detailed list of Welsh girl’s names.
- You might also be interested in the name Glynis.