
The Meaning of Welsh Girl’s Name Eurwen

The name Eurwen is of Welsh origin and is traditionally a female name.

The meaning of Eurwen has some possible variations, depending on the desired translation. Eurwen is a combination of the Welsh word “Aur” which translates to gold, and “Gywn” which translates as fair, white, holy, and blessed. Possible translations could be “fair gold,” “white gold,” “blessed or holy gold.”

The name Eurwen is linked to Gold
The name Eurwen is linked to Gold

How to Pronounce Eurwen?

When considering this name, it is necessary to know how to pronounce Eurwen. It can be pronounced AYR-wen or phonetically, YER-when.


According to the latest government statistics, the popularity of Eurwen has been significantly low. As of 2020, Eurwen has not made it into the top 100 popular names. For some, this rarity makes it an ideal choice for a girl’s name as it is unique and original.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh girls’ names.