Origin of the name Eiddwen
The name Eiddwen is a girl’s name of Welsh origin. Eiddwen is a rare last name.
Meaning of Eiddwen
Eiddwen means desire and pure.
Eiddwen was not in the top 100 baby girls’ names in Wales in 2019. However, the name was in 103,905th place in the United States. Eiddwen is not popular.
Famous People and Things Called Eiddwen
Llyn Eiddwen
Llyn Eiddwen is a lake in the Ceredigion, Wales, area. The lake is a source for the River Aeron.

Eiddwen Harrhy
Eiddwen Harrhy is a soprano singer from the country Wales. Harrhy was born on April 14, 1949, in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, in the United Kingdom. Harrhy sings at the leading opera houses in the UK. Ms. Harrhy won the Imperial League of Opera Gold Medal.
Eiddwen Jones
Eiddwen Jones is the author of a series of six bible stories. Mrs. Jones has six children and 11 grandchildren. Her books can be found in Amazon. A writer of books for children, Jones recently published her first adult level book, called Six Diamonds and a Sapphire that was published last spring.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh girls’ names on our website.