Meaning of the Name Braith

The meaning of Braith is known to be freckled. Although, the name can also mean multi-colored, speckled, or black and white.
Braith can both be a female and a male name.
The name Braith is also known to be a surname in England near Edinburgh.
The popularity of Braith is that it was not in the 100 most popular baby girls name in Wales during the year of 2017. The name placed at number 17,911 in 2017. Additionally, from the year of 2002 the name Braith has risen in popularity over time, but since 2012 the popularity of the name has declined.
Famous People Called Braith
There are two famous people with the name Braith. There is a famous Australian rugby league player named Braith Anasta, and a 19th century German painter named Anton Braith.
More than that, there is a character in the action role playing game “Skyrim” named Braith. In the game “Skyrim” she is a Redguard child who lives within the Wind District of the city of Whiterun.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls names.