Angharad Name

Angharad is a Welsh girls name and it is a name that has been popular over the centuries.
Angharad was the lover of Peredur according to the Mabinogion tales.
Meaning of the Name Angharad
Angharad means an increasing ‘an’ and love ‘c^ar’.
Popularity of the Name
The latest statics from the Office of National Statistics do not place Angharad in its top 100 baby names in Wales.
Famous People
Here’s a list of people in the public eye with the first name Angharad:
- Angharad Mair – is a Welsh television presenter and is known for presenting the Welsh current affairs show Heno
- Angharad Tomos – is a Welsh language campaigner and author.
- Angharad Mary Rees – was an actress who starred in many tv shows and films including The Avengers and Under Milk Wood.
If you are interested in other Welsh girl’s names see our comprehensive list, Ideal for Welsh baby names.