Origin and Meaning of Aneira
Aneira is an uncommon feminine name of Welsh origin. The name comes from the word “eira”, meaning “snow”. It is generally pronounced in one of two ways: un-AY-ra; un-EYE-ra.

Popularity of Aneira
The name Aneira is only known to have been in use since the early 1900s. Though it had an increase in commonality over much of the century, it is not listed on the most recent top 100 popular girls’ names in Wales in 2023.
In the United States, the popularity of the name spiked in 2015 but dropped significantly the next year and has not increased again since.
Famous People Named Aneira
Two women of note share this name.
Aneira Thomas was the first baby born in the new National Health Service in the United Kingdom in 1948. She was named after the founder of the NHS, and would later join the medical profession as a nurse.
Aneira Davies is a freelance journalist and copywriter in London, United Kingdom. She specialises in crafts, interiors, and lifestyles and has written for numerous magazines.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls’ names.