Meaning and Origin of the Name Alys
The name Alys is from the Old German name Alice. It’s the Welsh version of this Germanic name.
The meaning of Alys is exalted or noble .
It can be used as a male or female first name, and a last name.
The popularity of Alys was 497 in the U.K. in 2018. In the U.S., its first recorded appearance was in 1880, and it peaked at 1555 on the top 2000 names list before disappearing off the list in 1910.
Famous People with the Name Alys
Some famous people named Alys includ Alys Fowler, a British horticulturist and journalist best known for her work on the BBC, and the Welsh novelist Alys Conran best known for her novel Pigeon. Alys Williams is a Welsh singer from Caernarfon who starred in the television programme The Voice.

Other famous people named Alys are Alys of France, Comtesse of Vexin, the daughter of French king Henri VII and Constance of Castille, his second wife, and Alys Robi, a French Canadian singer. Several characters in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series are named Alys, and Phillip K. Dick named a character Alys in his novel Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Some variations of the name are Alyse, Ilysse, Aliz, and Aleece.